Big thanks to Alymer over at
Unflinching Eye for pointing me in the direction of this little rare gem. Cast a Deadly Spell was a 1991 HBO movie about Detective Harry Lovecraft, an affectionate tribute to HPL, film noir, detective fiction, and a sharp and funny satire to boot. It left a distinct mark on my impressionable young soul and probably helped shape my interest in esoteric pursuits and, consequently, may be in some way partially responsible for the very existence of the Swamp itself. Musically it's a fine mix of sinister lounge jazz, leftover 80's synth cheese, the occasional torch song, incidental stabs of orchestration, and some wild noise.
Do the Dunwich RumbaIncedentally, if anyone has the soundtrack to its sequel, Witch Hunt, please do share.
Sequel?!?!? I did not know there WAS one!! Hot diggity DAMN, i'm gonna have to track it down!!
ReplyDeleteI was planning on posting the movie itself soon.