In my fury to ingest multiple tin cans of spirits I nearly neglected my daily duties in the Swamp! Good heavens! Well, let's fix that right now, with the self-titled debut record by Bang, an early American metal band that, despite their obvious debt to Black Sabbath, managed to forge a distinct psychedelic style with hints of Cream and Blue Cheer and the like with lyrical subjects that would became staples of the style years later: feeding Christians to lions, dystopian predictions, the plight of the American Indian, sexual relations, drugs, and nebulous philosophical musing.
Come with me
ReplyDeleteOh, I see. Oh dear, someone's biting my shtick. I'll have to send the nightgaunts after him.
ReplyDeleteYour shtick = bitten. Wouldn't mind reading it, though....
ReplyDeleteWell, I'll bet Ungl'Unl'Rrlh'Chchch isn't in the damn book. Or BONE Thugs.