This is probably old news to many of you by now, but I just found out that Ludicra, one of the best and longest-running American black metal bands (and one of my favorites), has broken up. I haven't the energy to expound too much on this yet - it's already been a long day and I've just arrived back in the Swamp - but I wish the respective members the best in the future and hope to see more music from each of them. There is that Hammers of Misfortune album due this year...
This is such a bummer. Ludicra were easily one of the best bands going in the U.S. right now. The guitar work is great, I'm hard pressed to think of a tighter rhythm section in all of metal (seriously, can we dwell for a moment on how fucking awesome the Aesop/Sewage combination is?), and Laurie Sue Shanaman is a tremendous vocalist. They were "real" in a way that you very rarely see in metal. I'm glad that I had a chance to see them live, but bummed that I won't have another one.