Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Well, it seems I spoke to soon - Mediafire has removed all of my files, including every link on this site.  Can anybody recommend a good alternative? 


  1. the dudes at shiny grey monotone use this now:

    keep going, I love your blog!

  2. Shit, that must have just happened.

    I love this site as well, I hope you can find an alternative. You've done much to expand my mind.

  3. That sucks. Why was your Mediafire account suspended?

  4. i don't have a solution for you; but seriously, thanks for hipping me to some crucial tunes

  5. Might 2shared prove a suitable replacement?

  6. Zippyshare seems to work pretty well. I also extend my tentacles of gratitude for all the tunes you've posted. Your own Yog Sothoth stuff's pretty great, too, btw!

    gt hatecraft

  7. Well, I've settled on Sendspace for the moment and am re-uploading at the moment. Hopefully transmission can resume sometime soon.

    Thanks for the kind words and support. I should note that Yog Sothoth isn't me, it's my buddy Doug from Scummified.

  8. Second the 4shared shit...go with that.

  9. That might a stupid question to some of you, but shouldn't it be possible to just give the files stupid names when uploading? Like numbers and stuff? How would mediafire know what's in it? You couldn't google them, but you would have the links right here...

  10. sounds like a perfect plan to me. but on second thought, maybe we're both clueless

  11. I scrambled and disguised the names of many of the albums I uploaded, but usually didn't bother with things that were out of print or fairly obscure. Still, some months ago i noticed that everything I uploaded to mediafire was almost immediately downloaded, whether I'd posted it or not.

    Somewhere out there is a massive mediafire sweatshop full of blog hipsters captured and forced to pay for their crimes by dutifully downloading every zip file and checking it against some endless list.

  12. How about Bayfiles? Its pretty similar to mediafire, I think

  13. the only way to go is to get your own server space. i did it about 3 years ago, moving from a blogger space uploading my stuff to mediafire to my own space where i control everything. yeah it costs me a $150/year and its an ungodly amount of work to switch everything over, but boy will you be happy when you do. until you do that you will always be subject to another nuking your hard work. and they will always do it...eventually.

  14. To add to the list of options badongo doesn't ask you to register. There's also zshare which will also stream individual files if you occasionally upload 1 by itself. There's some other places like multiupload and sharebee which list some other possible sites you can use.

  15. Whether or not you continue from the swamp, know that this blog fucking slayed. Hours were utterly sacrificed to the void in honor of the unholy. Thanks.

  16. Don't give up man, you kick ass. I'm not really too familiar with the different file-sharing sites, but hotfile's worked well for me.

  17. And so the nightmare is dead. I am saddened, though I am grateful for each and every decaying husk that I've hauled from this Swamp. Thank you.

  18. I'm still hoping for Swamp reanimation... best musical blog alongside Hearse and IllCon; unique vibes here, all kind of great stuff, amazing finds...
    Should you never come back,I want at least to thank you for the time past.

  19. Even if the links are dead, the suggestions and the fine writing will live on.

    In its house at Google, this curation waits dreaming.

  20. aah damn. Loved your blog. first visit after the whole mediafire crackdown and sad to see it inactive. Thank you for the tons of great music. How about just reviews and recommendations if inclination and time permit? That would be pretty cool. Anyway, thanks again.

  21. don't understand why I never find blogs until after they are done for and shutdown, it is as if they do not show up on google until links are killed,

    and why the fuck is it google is not a recognized word by their own blogger spellchecker
