Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wolves and Jackals - Demo

Taking the worst parts of black, thrash, and death metal and titty-twisting them into an unholy braid of ugliness, Atlanta's Wolves and Jackals were one of the best metal bands I saw live last year and remain on rotation to this very day. You can buy their album (and probably this demo as well) here. These three songs represent a mere sampling, but they are indeed most brutal and grim, yes indeedy.


  1. Totally know these dudes. One of the only legit metal bands here.

  2. What about AV? One of the funnest bands in the A.

  3. apocalyptic visions? haven't seen them in years, but they were definitely evil as shit.

  4. Fucking love tho's guys. Met them at a party celebrationg some stupid shit at Eyal Levi's house. It was akward. Only being in atl for like 3 months knowing no one and I'm pissed drunk and I look over and see this guy up on a planter all cock rock laying down with his leg at an angle proped up yelling "Eyal's and AHole." What a night. Did you go to the 6/6/06 show at Swayze's? Is it even still open?

  5. I saw mastodon at drunken unicorn that night. Withered is another good Atlanta band.

  6. I had a gig to record the show so I kinda had to go. Didn't leave till fuckint 5 am. God damn last band that played started out as a BM band then a hour and a half into the set they put up a different banner and changed to a doom/bm band that was fucking stunning. Dioblaic i think? I was hoping you knew thier name. Withered is great too and Zoroaster. Dirty shit but good all the same although I think they are overrated but not by alot. Zoroaster that is.

  7. Oh and Sybartic were pretty cool guys. The music was decent but I wasnt too into the vocals. and the dudes in Daath are fucking cool but the music is boring.
