Saturday, January 1, 2011

John Zorn - Magick

In this first post of the new year, we find the furthest mystickal and alchemical explorations of jazz misanthropist John Zorn, primarily situated around a five-movement suite based on the Necronomicon. This work ebbs between Zorn's characteristic frenetic scribbling and some moodier ambient moments, at times verging on a sort of Spaghetti western starring Aleister Crowley. Entrancing and repellant.
Thought Forms


  1. I still hope Zorn might ditch jazz one day and write more for chamber orchestras.

  2. Thanks for the post. I'll be hosting a four hour Zorn retrospective (part 1) this Monday, January 24th, 7-11pm (PST) on Radio Valencia in San Francisco. 87.9FM in SF, Tune in.

    John Hell

  3. Check out Zorn's What Thou Wilt...
