Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bolt Thrower - In Battle There Is No Law

Just a quickie post today, and one that was bound to turn up here sooner or later: The first album by the filth-encrusted kings of post-apocalyptic war death/grind. No time for flowery exposition, just download and march forth!


  1. yeah, this album kills....i have the peel sessions on tape, damn good.

  2. Shit, what was the name of the game they took their other covers from? Warmaster? Warhammer? I remember my friend worked at a comic shop and he used to come home and paint those little war figurines....anyways in grind we crust.

  3. Yeah, Warhammer. Acconding to Wikipedia Bolt Thrower was a weapon in the game. Nerds.

  4. hey, aren't we all nerds? i mean, we're talking about warhammer on a blog about lovecraft...that's pretty nerdy...but i love it!
